How to find my existing facebook account?
- Open your web browser and go to
- Click on "Forgotten password?" under the login fields.
- Enter your email address, phone number, username, or full name in the search bar.
- Click "Search."
- Select your account from the list that appears.
- Choose how you want to receive the code (email or SMS).
- Click "Continue."
- Check your email or phone for the code.
- Enter the code in the provided field and click "Continue."
- Follow the prompts to reset your password and regain access to your account.
Steps to find my existing facebook account?
Step 1: Check Browser History: Look through your browser history for Facebook URLs or login pages you may have accessed.
Step 2: Search Email Inbox: Search for emails from Facebook in your email inbox. These emails may contain notifications or account-related information.
Step 3: Search Phone Contacts: Check your phone contacts for your Facebook friends or any contacts associated with your Facebook account.
Step 4: Ask Friends or Family: Reach out to friends or family members who may be connected with you on Facebook and ask them to search for your account.
Step 5: Search Your Name: Use the Facebook search bar to look up your name. If your account is still active, it should appear in the search results.
Step 6: Try Alternate Email Addresses: If you have multiple email addresses, try searching through them for any Facebook-related emails.
Step 7: Try Logging In: Visit the Facebook login page and try logging in using email addresses or phone numbers you might have used to create your account.
Step 8: Check Other Devices: Look on other devices (like tablets or computers) where you may have logged into Facebook previously.
Step 9: Remember Previous Activity: Think about any groups you joined, pages you liked, or friends you added on Facebook. These details can help identify your account.
Step 10: Contact Facebook Support: If you still can't find your account, contact Facebook support through their Help Center for further assistance.